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Free software upgrade to all D400 and D700 braketesters

Today, Boston has announced a FREE upgrade to every D400 and D700 braketester currently in use in the UK. The new software incorporates three new changes

1. It enables a more secure access to the calibration procedure to ensure and maintain the quality of service the customer receives from our trained engineers.

2. It also includes new PC compatibility to our emission equipment and our braketesters can link them together so that all results can be sent wirelessly using Bluetooth to the PC for printing and saving.

3. The PC is also able to control the braketester if the operator wishes using the keyboard, but the most important change is the ability to introduce the new 'One Man Test' ATL software onto the OC so that the braketester responds to the required auto-prompts!

In the update software is also included the new Boston Side-Slip Meter program. This enables the new BSS2000 to be quickly installed and provides the operator with simple toe-in and toe-out information. A relatively inexpensive addition to any of our braketester customers with big earning potential, especially for those that trade in wheel alignment and tyre replacement.

It's not everyday that you get something for nothing, but we're hoping to encourage our existing customers to buy into the new ATL when available at little cost in comparison to other makes and models around (which are without our features & benefits!).

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